The Best Credit Card Ever Don’t expect the lights to dim while the sound of soaring arias fills the air. We doubt that when it happens, your heart will skip a beat, your face will flush, or the air will fill with white doves. No, we’re not trying to keep your expectations in check for […]
Italy’s blue mozzarella cheese mystery
Italian police confiscated some 70,000 balls of mozzarella in Turin after consumers noticed the milky-white cheese quickly developed a bluish tint when the package was opened, authorities said Saturday. Agriculture Minister Giancarlo Galan ordered ministry laboratories to investigate what he called a “disturbing” development. State TV said a woman in Turin called police after noticing […]
Retailers Feed Holiday Demand for Free Shipping
Online shoppers this holiday season can expect a little something extra from retailers: more offers of free shipping. Free shipping has already become standard practice for certain retailers, like footwear and apparel sites and Now, as competition heats up, free is becoming the new normal across even more sites. Target Corp. is launching […]
Ways to Keep the Fire in Your Relationship Burning
How many times have you become frustrated with your significant other? You feel like they just don’t understand you. You feel like you don’t connect anymore. There is no passion and fire left in your relationship. Do you long to feel that passion again? Here are seven simple ways to put the fire back in […]
EPISODE 116 “Brother’s Keeper”
Airdate: 2006-04-03 Three years ago. Walking down the streets of Chicago, Michael finds Lincoln asleep in the doorway of his apartment, doing his best to stay warm. Rough night? Michael asks condescendingly. Lincoln squints and rubs his bleary eyes. Michael curtly tells his brother that he got his message and asks what he wants. Lincoln […]
Which Ones Earn the Most?
Have you ever wondered if Stanford grads really do make the big bucks, or if a “party school” degree can still land you a high-paying job? Online salary database put together a 2009 College Salary Report that highlights which college graduates make the highest and lowest salaries right out of college and how that […]
Saving Is Something You Should Do Every Day
Americans have forgotten how to save in recent years. First, we came to regard the stock market as our piggy bank; if we needed a little spending money, surely we could always sell a few shares of stock or a bit of a mutual fund at a profit. Then, we viewed our houses as money […]
Stars who had kids later in life
Rod Stewart Rod Stewart and his wife Penny Lancaster — pictured with his kids Kimberly, Sean, Ruby, and Liam — are expecting their second baby just before Penny’s 40th birthday. The new addition to the family will be the 65-year-old rocker’s seventh child. Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson, with son Raymond and daughter Lorraine, was 55 […]