Do It For Your Mama

[J.N.:] "I can make a bigger splash than you!"[Jimmy:] "Oh yeah, give it a shot." [While jumping up and down on diving board][J.N.:] "Can opener!"[Big splash][Jimmy:] "Man, that one was huge."[J.N.:] "You go." [While running towards pool][Jimmy:] "Ahhhh, jacknife!" [Jumps in and small splash][Tracy:] "That was a dud, Jimmy."[Jimmy:] "Shutup, Tracy."[Tracy:] "You shutup." [Door opens, […]

In Ya Ass

[Juvenile]Look I’m tryin to live right nowMake a better place for my kids right nowOr get out my face is how it is right nowAll I wanna have is my own shit right now..So much go through my head all dayThe game situation is be paid or playedI gotta eat the lottery is not for […]

Devil With The Black Dress On

Wash off those scabs dearor fingernail pick them cleanPray to all your long lost demonsand justify your means Devil has a new shapeDevil has a new rideDevil has a problem but he locks it up insideShit angel Kids sure like the devil these daysand I’m the devil with the black dress onDo you want to […]

I'm Learning (Part One)

I never meant to hurt you babyI didn’t wanna cause you any painBut you never knew how I felt now honeyAnd you know you didn’t even know whySo I wanna put my heart in it’s placeAnd I wanna be the person that you fell in love with I’ve been told there’ll be another(or so they […]

Riddle Me

Chorus Riddle me who, riddle me why, answer me thisWho owns the chains that bind your wristsRiddle me who, riddle me why, answer againRiddle me who built the machineThat washed your brain Like parents did before themYour parents did the sameThey said do your best, you must pass the testYou must learn to play the […]

De Vuelta A Casa

En casa… domingo… no hay coches en la calle…La luz es pálida y baila como tú…No hay ruido no… en esta parte de la ciudadAlguien toca la campana de la iglesia… Y suena… como si alguien se hubiera perdidoA veces… creo que soy yoEn casa… el reloj… da siempre la misma hora…Tú eres todo mi […]

Da Da

Da DaDa DaDa DaDa DaDa DaDa DaDa DaDa DaDa Da I don’t know what you mean about nasty feelings, it’s Let me help you out of this, you were starting to feel acertain way, violence, resentful. How do you know that? I told you? I told you that? That’s right, remember yesterday? I don’t want […]