These guy-appropriate gifts are sure to put a smile on his face. For the Clotheshorse: In 2007, roommates Brian Spaly and Andy Dunn began altering their own pants on a girlfriend’s sewing machine in search of better fit. According to company lore, their classmates at Stanford Business School started sending in orders and their clothing […]
Value of the Trump Name
A court battle between billionaire investor Carl Icahn and a group of bondholders allied with Donald Trump over control of three Atlantic City casinos has become something of a referendum on the value of the Trump name. Mr. Trump took the stand Thursday in U.S. bankruptcy court here seeking to salvage an ownership stake in […]
New York, 4 September 2008 — Global Finance magazine has released its annual ranking of the World’s Safest Banks, which will be featured in the special October issue alongside several of the magazine’s renowned Best Bank awards. The World’s Safest Banks were selected through a comparison of the long-term credit ratings and total assets of […]
Sopranos Season 5 Episode Guide
Season 5 Season 5, Episode 1: Two Tonys Original Air Date—7 March 2004 Some of the old guard return from prison and want to get back in the action. Chris and Paulie are at each other’s throats over matters of money and respect, and Tony decides to tell Dr. Melfi what’s really on his mind. […]
15 Foods You Don’t Need To Buy Organic
Although I enjoy the grocery store (maybe it’s because I’m a dietitian that I love checking out new products and comparing food labels), lately my husband is doing our grocery shopping. His budget-friendly buys are great for our bank account. But they don’t always align with my interest in eating organically. We don’t buy everything […]
Towns where land is still free in the U.S.
As small towns suffer from a continuing flight from rural toward-more urban living, some economic development groups and governments in these troubled areas have chosen to stay and fight. The Homestead Act of 1862 is no longer in effect, but free land is still available out there in the great wide open (often literally in […]
How to save $1,000 by the holidays
If you’re like many people, at the beginning of every year you resolve to get your finances in better shape by paying off debt and adding to your savings. But like many resolutions, the reality often doesn’t meet the goal. All is not lost. There are still five full months left in the year — […]
Gabriella Dante
“Unfortunately, because of her husband’s high profile in the waste industry, Carmela’s the one who bears the brunt of these insults. But there were many of us who were equally offended.” Gabriella “Gabby” Dante is the wife of Silvio and the mother of their college student daughter, Heather. A member of the close-knit sorority of […]