Govt. OK’s ‘jailbreaking’ smartphones

Owners of iPhones and other smartphones are one step closer towards taking complete control of their gadgets, thanks to a new government ruling Monday on the practice of “jailbreaking.” This weekend has seen a flurry of activity about digital rights, but the biggest news dropped Monday morning, when the FCC announced that it had made […]


New York, September 16, 2009 — Global Finance magazine (website: ) will host its thirteenth annual Best Bank Awards ceremony on October 6th, 2009, in Istanbul (Turkey), at the same time as the Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank. More than 200 bank CEOs and senior financial officers and central bankers will […]

Europe’s $57 billion plan to put windmills in the ocean

Paris – Wind is the fastest growing renewable energy in Europe – making up a third of new energy here, with 20 turbines added every working day in 2008, according to EU statistics. What the European wind energy industry now wants is to expand – offshore. Ocean winds are a stronger and more predictable form […]

Interracial couple denied marriage license in La.

NEW ORLEANS – A white Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long. “I’m […]

Minority births on track to outnumber white births

WASHINGTON – Minorities make up nearly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which minorities are expected to become the U.S. majority over the next 40 years. In fact, demographers say this year could be the “tipping point” when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of […]

America’s Best High Schools 2010

U.S. News ranks America’s Best High Schools for third consecutive year Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Va., the top school in U.S. News & World Report‘s America’s Best High Schools rankings, is designed to challenge students. A course load of offerings that include DNA science, neurology, and quantum physics would […]


西兰花炒牛肉全新做法详解(分步配图) 菜名:西兰花炒牛肉 For English Version Click Here 原料:西兰花1颗  牛里脊肉300克  大蒜2瓣 调料:料酒1汤匙(15ml)  老抽1/2茶匙(3ml)  白胡椒粉1/4茶匙(1克)  黑胡椒粉1/4茶匙(1克)  干淀粉1汤匙(15克) Xo酱1汤匙(15克)或等量耗油  盐1/2茶匙(3克)水淀粉1汤匙(15ml) 香油几滴 西兰花炒牛肉的做法: 1)西兰花掰成小块洗净。牛里脊肉切成2毫米后的薄片,放入碗中,调入料酒,老抽,白胡椒粉,黑胡椒粉,干淀粉,搅拌均匀后腌制10分钟。 2)汤锅中倒入清水大火加热至沸腾后,放入西兰花焯烫20秒钟,捞出后沥干备用,不需过冷水。 3)锅中倒入油大火加热,待油7成热时,放入切好的蒜片,爆出香味后,放入牛肉片煸炒至变色,放入焯好的西兰花,Xo酱,盐,翻炒均匀后,加一点点水,约10秒钟后,淋入水淀粉勾芡,出锅前淋入几滴香油即可。 小编啰嗦: **牛里脊肉很容易熟,煸炒至变色后,基本就熟了,不要过度烹饪,否则肉中的水分流失,反而导致口感不好。 **将西兰花提前焯烫一下至熟,也是为了缩短与牛肉混合后炒制的时间。西兰花也可以换成普通的菜花来做。 **Xo酱,很贵,一小瓶就30多。从我刚开始学做饭到现在,这东西就在我心里长草。用它尝试过一些菜,觉得实在可有可无,所以你不用长草了,用等量的耗油来代替,味道一样很好的。

Coleman’s wife says in 911 call he has….

Former child TV star Gary Coleman was bleeding from the back of his head and “bubbling at the mouth” after falling at his Santaquin home but still tried to get up, his distraught wife told a Utah emergency dispatcher in a 911 tape released Wednesday. The call was made by Shannon Price on May 26, […]