Increased Hurricane Threats for 2010

The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season will produce an above-average eight hurricanes, four of them major, posing a heightened threat to the U.S. coastline, the Colorado State University hurricane forecasting team predicted on Wednesday. In its second forecast in four months for the 2010 season, the leading storm research team founded by hurricane forecast pioneer William […]

Five Reasons Paula Abdul Quit American Idol

Five Reasons Paula Abdul Quit American Idol While at the LAT, Richard Rushfield became the world’s foremost expert on the inner workings of American Idol. He’s currently resting up before joining Gawker later this month, but he couldn’t resist weighing in on why Paula Abdul quit. Why did Paula do it? After I reported three […]

UK man’s Castle

LONDON – A man’s home is his castle — but not if British authorities say it has to be destroyed. That’s the situation faced by Robert Fidler, a farmer who lost a High Court bid Wednesday to protect the once-secret castle he built 40 miles (65 kilometers) south of London and kept hidden from planning […]

Diff’rent Strokes Gary Coleman

Gary Coleman Gary Coleman was born February 8, 1968 in Zion, Illinois. Adopted as an infant, his father worked for a pharmaceutical firm and his mother was a nurse.  Before reaching the age of 5, Coleman had undergone three operations for a congenital kidney defect known as nephritis. As a result of his medical condition, […]

Tips on How to Keep Your Skin Hydrated in the Winter Time

When that unpleasant chill hits the air, it’s time to school yourself on tips on how to keep your skin hydrated in the winter time. Let’s face it: dryness can be quite uncomfortable, and it’s important to fend yourself against the elements in order to maintain smoothness and suppleness all season long. Even if you […]

Who’s Closing Stores in 2010

The worst seems to be over, but retailing is still a tough business. These companies closed a lot of stores in 2009, and are likely to be closing more this year. Sources: The companies (spokespeople and websites), Davidowitz & Associates, Ritz Camera 2009 Store closures: 365 Outlook: Almost half the company’s stores have shut […]

Top Worst Drivers List

According to a recent study, 44 percent of attorneys and judges — more than any other profession — claimed to have been in a prior driving accident when comparison-shopping for auto insurance. analyzed the accidents people claimed and the professions they listed when applying for car insurance online. They published their findings along with […]

Getting Started In Mafia Wars

Getting Started In Mafia Wars Welcome to the gang ridden world of Mafia Wars. If you are already playing the game and just looking for specific tips, browse the list of articles in the guide on the left to find the information you are looking for. For the rest of you, you probably have gotten […]