What Tax Records Should You Keep

April is fast-approaching and with it, tax time. While tax preparation seems to get a little bit easier each year with the prevalence of online tax prep software, there’s still one question that leaves many Americans scratching their heads: What records should I hang onto for tax purposes and how long should I keep them? […]

How to reset your Nokia?

How to reset your Nokia? Your Nokia phone isn’t working properly or not responding quickly.Below are tips on how to reset your Nokia Mobile phones: Soft Reset Soft Reset will clear pending errors and bring your mobile to an initial state by restoring Factory setting. To operate this function on your mobile, the shortcut is: […]

EPISODE 113 “End of the Tunnel”

Airdate: 2005-11-28 The slow and labored thumping of a heartbeat pulses. Abruzzi strains to remain conscious as Sara pushes him across the yard in a stretcher. Sara presses a towel against the wound in his neck to help stem the flow of blood, meanwhile urging him to stay with her and keep breathing.A medical helicopter […]

10 Things Your Cruise Line Won’t Tell You

1. “Our Engines Break Down All the Time.” In December 2009, engine problems caused the Regent’s Seven Seas Voyager to skip a scheduled port stop in Antigua, and instead head straight to San Juan for the engine to be repaired. And a propulsion issue on Carnival’s 2,124-passenger Legend ship last week affected its sailing speed, […]

Things Kate Can’t Do

Just one generation ago someone like Kate Middleton would have been zapped for getting too close to the British Royal family. So when Clarence House relaxed their stun guns and let their future king propose to a ‘commoner’, Britain awoke in a postmodern-like daze where realities became relative and class boundaries blurred. The only problem […]

Flash drive behind major cyber-attack

Military Computer Attack Confirmed A top Pentagon official has confirmed a previously classified incident that he describes as “the most significant breach of U.S. military computers ever,” a 2008 episode in which a foreign intelligence agent used a flash drive to infect computers, including those used by the Central Command in overseeing combat zones in […]

Bobby “Bacala” Baccalieri

“I got my limits, too…” Robert Baccalieri, Jr., AKA Bobby Bacala, is a stalwart soldier in the Soprano organization. “Bacala” is salted cod, and at first glance, Bobby can appear to be a fish out of water. He’s quiet and sweet tempered, and even among a bunch of guys sporting pasta bellies, his stands out. […]