In Loving Kindness

thank you for the cross. trusting in the balancehas tilted me towards righteousnesslifting my spirit once againsinking not in my functioning. inhale, exhale this over and over again.looking for tomottow.forgetting about today.striving to tell them the truth…dying, dying, dying, dead.through prayer and sacrificeinto all the earthwith love and understanding. now i look to importance,standing here […]


lies, depreciation of self.moral demise.the corporate machine of america."in god we trust"statement of political banter.plastic words for a plastic nation.bred to live the american dream.elderly parents in institutions.billions of dollars for the promotion ofcutting edge abortionary practices.prayer in schoolhas been replaced with condoms.the value of quality family timehas regressed to television’s filth and sexual innuendo. […]


i will will endure in me.until the end forever,i will endure. if we continue in these ways,rebellion bends toward hatred.we rise up for our causeand forsake the outsiders.where is this love, this understanding?who will stand?what will break downif this uprise of self is left to reign? looking forward, for a standard to answer […]


evelation, unknowing has been taken.why had i waited so long?refrained for this love,never open to the hope he could i reject this?he was calling my name,searching for me.i always turned away,not wanting to believei had a need for him.feeling this emptiness.not knowing he could fill.drowning in my efforts to find comfort,i searched and strived […]

Surrounds Me

put your coal to my trembling lips.voice fills void with your breath.crescent tears from the relief You bring.undone in you. I love you.broken teeth of my frustration.your glory it surrounds me.sing praises to God, sing praises. blanket my mindwith your wisdom and insight.hand mokds the mud of my of Your strengthoverwhelmes my praise.quickened in […]