Dead Babies

Little Betty ate a pound of aspirin
She got them from the shelf upon the wall
Betty’s mommy wasn’t there to save her
She didn’t hear her little baby call

Dead babies
Can’t take care of themselves
Dead babies
Can’t take things off the shelf
Well we didn’t want you anyway
Lalala-la, lalala-la, la la la

Daddy is an agrophile in Texas
Mommy’s on the bar most every night
Little Betty’s sleeping in the graveyard
Living there in burgundy and white

Dead babies
Can’t take care of themselves
Dead babies
Can’t take things off the shelf
Well we didn’t want you anyway
Lalala-la, lalala-la, la la la

Goodbye, Little Betty
Goodbye, Little Betty
So long, Little Betty
So long, Little Betty
Betty, so long

Dead babies
Can’t take care of themselves
Dead babies
Can’t take things off the shelf
Well we didn’t need you anyway
Lalala-la, lalala-la, la la la

Goodbye, Little Betty

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