Invest in these smart household gadgets to cut your monthly bills and they end up paying for themselves in no time. Concoct your own cola Spend a fortune on fizzy drinks? You’re not alone. The average family of four consumes 2,400 sodas annually-totaling nearly $1,080. With a home fountain machine, you can save money and […]
Category Archives: Finance
Money moves you didn’t know were illegal
Money Habits That Are Illegal Forgery. Loan fraud. Counterfeiting. These and other financial crimes might seem like a far cry from most people’s everyday lives. But it’s surprisingly easy to adopt a dicey financial habit under the guise of “everyone does it,” “I was just trying to help” or “it seemed like a good idea […]
Nurses Paid Higher Salaries Than Family Doctors
Despite the growing shortage of family doctors in the United States, medical centers last year offered higher salaries and incentives to specialist nurses than to primary care doctors, according to an annual survey of physicians’ salaries. Primary care doctors were offered an average base salary of $173,000 in 2009 compared to an average base salary […]
Best Affordable Beach Resorts
From the plastic palm tree–lined beaches of the Jersey Shore to the powdery white sands of Belize, beach vacations never go out of style. “Beach destinations remain incredibly popular with travelers right now,†says Travel + Leisure A-List travel agent Kimberly Wilson Wetty; they’re “great for the time-starved couple who needs a mini-escape and perfect […]
The World’s Most Powerful People
The 67 heads of state, criminals, financiers and philanthropists who really run the world. “I love power. But it is as an artist that I love it. I love it as a musician loves his violin, to draw out its sounds and chords and harmonies.” — Napoleon Bonaparte Power has been called many things. The […]
The Strongest U.S. Housing Markets
They’re easy to overlook, with home prices plunging from Manhattan to Los Angeles and almost everywhere in between. But look at the smaller metros where housing bubbles never took shape, and you’ll find some of today’s strongest markets. Boulder, Colo.; Fayetteville, N.C.; Pittsburgh; Little Rock; and other slow-but-steady metros are now among the nation’s safest […]
U.S. Government Shutting Down
U.S. defense companies are quietly preparing for a potential federal government shutdown in the coming months should Congress fail to pass a fiscal year 2011 budget or extend an existing continuing resolution, an analyst warned Feb. 10. With the current continuing resolution set to expire the first week of March, these companies are re-examining their […]
Black Friday 2010’s dirty little secrets
Black Friday bargain hunters beware. There’s a good chance you won’t score that doorbuster deal you’ve set your heart on. Retail experts say the annual hype and hoopla that surrounds Black Friday also masks some nasty surprises. The most painful: The crushed hopes of hundreds of midnight shoppers, who camped outside for hours in the […]